Career Profile

My name is Farouq, I'm from Nigeria and I'm 23 years old. I'm halfway through my masters in Applied Digital Media at Griffith College Dublin.I studied Mass Communication during my undergraduate at Babcock University but i majored in Public relation and Advertising as most people confused my degree with broadcasting. My aptitute in technology made me switch my career path to client-side programming. It has been interesting so far, i mean, i never thought i could ever be able to write a line of code in my life but here i am writing lines of programming languages like: C#, Java Script, HTML and CSS.

Babcock University Griffith College
Farouq On Suit Farouq on Black Farouq on Jacket

Key Skills

Visual Communication

Photoshop Icon

Adobe Photoshop

Indesign Icon

Adobe InDesign

Corel-Draw Icon

Corel Draw


Web Elements Icon

Web Elements

p5js Icon


csharp Icon



invision Icon


Video Editing

Premier Icon

Adobe Premier

Other Portfolio

3ds Icon
Game Icon
Game Icon Game Icon
line Icon circlez Icon circlez Icon gui Icon